The Rotary Club of Old Montreal/Vieux Montréal has pioneered for a decade numerous initiatives to improve the health and sanitation in Ghana.
The Club in its activities in Ghana has been fortunate in having a continuing presence there in the person of Andre Roy. We have addressed the needs of the population in the South (Ho Region), and the Northern Regions (Damongo) with funding raised internally, along with participation of other Clubs, District Funds, RFI matching funds and CRCID matching funds. The following projects were involved:
-In 2001 - MG 10928 in Ho Region- Provision of bore- hole water sources for 11 communities. ($26,000)., coupled with a community helath educational program.
-In 2007-08- MG 63285 =Damongo, West Ganges Region- Water Program for the town of Damongo, serving over 20,000 inhabitants. ($100,000). It comprised water wells delivering potable water to 4 distribution centers, and instituting a town community management committee (WASAN) responsible for operation and maintenance of the water resources and the monitoring the local community observance of health protocols.
-2009-date- Damongo Mission Hospital- provision of potable water from source 3 kms. Distant--- Funding as follows:
Total Project estimated cost $100,000
Secured to date in $ or commitments in kind:
- RC Old Montreal $3500. Initial seed money
- Drilling of 7 test bore well-resulting in one acceptable
- Well – provide by World Vision- value $30,000
- Commitment to provide electrification system for water
From VRA- value $ 29,604
- Contribution of assistance from Mission Hospital Board($10,000 )
- Provision of manual labour for trenching from District Assembly, Damongo.
Remaining funds tobe acquired for completion of Hospital program:
$ 30,000. This to be sourced from Montreal Region Rotary
Clubs, supplemented by internal contributions
To sum up, therefore, the Damongo Projects amount to $200,000 of which there remains $30,000 to raise!
In addition to directly sponsored projects in Ghana, our Club through the activities of
Andre Roy, former member of our Club, has been associated indirectly in the following projects which Andre monitored/managed in the field on behalf of the sponsoring Clubs:
2003- MG 16595 with RC California
2005 MG 55067 “
2002-08 3H- 1373 “
2007-08 Water Supply for Larabanga- Project Equity
Yes, we have been active in Ghana over the past decade. As evidenced above we have directly or indirectly participated in a number of vital projects directed at the elimination of water-borne diseases, such as, Guinea Worm ,Cholera, and other intestinal illness which have contributed to the inability of inhabitants from gainfully working, resulting in school absenteeism, and contributing to family hunger and depression.
There remains, therefore, the finalization of our Hospital water program, which will provide potable water for use in its day to day management, with a patient load of over 200 per day. This we count on receiving from our generous Rotary brethren!